Toto je stránka o DISNEY CHANNEL zaměřovaný na seriál Soy Luna a další různé. Taky tu najdete videa o hudbě, někdy i modní rubriky. This is a page about DISNEY CHANNEL targeted to serial Soy Luna and more diverse. What you also find videos about music, sometimes fashion columns.
sobota 24. února 2018
Mám pro vás novinku !!!!
Takže jak víte brzy bude v Argentině slavit 16.dubna příchod nové série Soy Luna 3.
3 série bude napínavá všichni už ví kdo je pravá Sol Benson.
Je vůbec jisté jestli Lutteo budou stéle spolu. Co dál bude s Jam and Roller? Co je vlastně Red Sharks? Emilia něco vidí na Matteovi?
Vychutnejte si ukázku z 3 série
I have news for you !!!!
So, as you know early, Argentina will celebrate April 16th with the arrival of the new Soy Luna 3 series.
The 3 series will be exciting, everyone already knows who the real Sol Benson is. He's sure if Lutteo's going to be together. What's next with Jam and Roller? What is actually the Red Sharks? Emilia sees something on Matteo?
Enjoy a show of 3 series
sobota 17. února 2018
Spojené státy
Thank you very much for reading my papers. Even if one post per month. Or somehow. I guess you know a lot of things are coming soon. I do not have much time to add posts. I hope you understand me. Thank you for looking at my blog. My dream is that Disney Channel will offer me a collaboration once.
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